Best Paper Awards & Outstanding Reviewer Winners

Best Paper Award Winners: 

  1. Fast Multi-Class Vehicle Cooperative Path Optimization in Complex Urban V2X Transportation: A Novel Parallel Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach, Shitao Chen, Shuyang Cai, Ziheng Tang, Donghe Li*, Nanning Zheng, China
  2. Fast 3D Object Detection for 4D Imaging Radar Integrating Image Map Features Using Semi-Supervised Learning, Keisuke Yoneda*, Ranju Shiraki, Keigo Hariya, Hiroki Inoshita, Ryo Yanase, Naoki Suganuma, Japan
  3. Negotiation in Cooperative Maneuvering using Conflict Analysis: Theory and Experimental Evaluation, Hao Wang*, Sergei Avedisov, Onur Altintas, Gabor Orosz, USA


Best Student Paper Award Winners:

  1. IMU-Based Online Multi-Lidar Calibration, Sandipan Das*, Bengt Boberg, Maurice Fallon, Saikat Chatterjee, Sweden
  2. Motion Control of Autonomous Vehicle with Domain-Centralized Electronic and Electrical Architecture Based on Predictive Reinforcement Learning Control Method, Guodong Du*, Yuan Zou, Xudong Zhang, Kaiyu Zhao, Switzerland
  3. SCOUT+: Towards Practical Task-Driven Drivers’ Gaze Prediction, Iuliia Kotseruba*, John Tsotsos, Canada
Outstanding Reviewer Award Winner:
              Johannes Betz, Professor, Technical University of Munich

The Best Paper Award Winners received a prize (split among authors for the Best Paper Award and among student authors for the Best Student Paper Award) and a certificate presented at the closing ceremony of the IEEE IV 2024. The Outstanding Reviewer Award Winner received a certificate.