Call for Workshop Proposals



June 22-25, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

The Organizing Committee of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium 2025 (IV2025) solicits proposals for full and half-day workshops to be held on Sunday, 22 June 2025. This day of workshops will precede the main conference, which takes place from Monday, June 23 through Wednesday, June 25.

We solicit workshop proposals that address important and new topics related to the conference: basic research and applications of leading advances in the fields related to Intelligent Transportation Systems.

IMPORTANT: Before submitting a proposal, verify if the topic overlaps totally or partially with the technical activities of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS)

In this case, please contact the relevant technical committee to avoid overlap with topics already covered by the committee as part of their activities. Organizers of workshops that closely resemble existing offerings will be asked to collaborate with those existing efforts.

If the topic is new, please ignore the previous step and submit your proposal. You are welcome to initiate a new technical activity as well.

Workshops should focus on areas of active research, in order to provide an informal forum for participants to exchange developing research results and ideas.

Workshop organizers will be asked to chair the sessions and to organize the review process of the papers submitted (if any) and the invited talks (if any). The papers submitted to workshops will follow the same review process as the papers submitted to the main IV conferences and in case of acceptance will be published in the conference IEEE Xplore proceedings.

When inviting speakers for your workshop, make sure that you follow diversity principles to enrich the discussion and provide a range of perspectives.


Workshop Proposals Submission: November 15, 2024

Workshop Proposals Notification of Acceptance: November 22, 2024

Workshop Websites Live and Papers Submission Open: December 3, 2024

Workshop Papers Submission Deadline: February 1, 2025

Workshops Date: June 22, 2025


Please submit the proposal in pdf format 1 page with the following information:

  • Title of the workshop
  • Format (indicate full or half day workshop)
  • Organizers (complete address, phone, and email)
  • Abstract (up to 300 words)
  • List of topics
  • Tentative list of presenters (invited or with papers) together with a draft schedule
  • And correspondent Technical Committee in IEEE ITSS

Upon acceptance of your workshop proposal you will be requested to prepare a PDF file or a web page containing the information regarding your workshop. The file and link will be posted at the official IV 2025 webpage.


By clicking the workshop title, you can find the detailed information.

1. 14th Workshop and Industry Panel on Cooperative Automated Driving and Future Mobility Systems

2. 14th Workshop on Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles & Supporting Vehicle-Pedestrian Interactions

3. 1st Workshop on Safe and Trustworthy Autonomous Driving (TRUST-AD)

4. Advancing Automated Driving in Highly Interactive Scenarios through Behavior Prediction, Trustworthy AI, and Remote Operations

5. *8th Workshop on Ensuring and Validating Safety for Automated Vehicles (EVSAV) *Joint Workshop on Safety Metrics and Benchmarks for Autonomous Driving

6. Navigating Uncertainty: High-Integrity Localization, Mapping, and Perception for Autonomous Driving 

7. SPADE – Secure, Privacy-Aware Naturalistic Driving Data for Future Mobility: Insights from Structured and Unstructured Environments

8. Data-Driven Learning for Intelligent Vehicle Applications: Foundation Models, Multimodal Fusion, and Cooperative Systems

9. 2nd Workshop on Secure connected vehicles: digital twin, UAVs, and smart transportation

10. Autoware – ROS-based OSS for Autonomous Driving