Preparing your Oral/Poster Presentation



June 22-25, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Your presentation will be either oral or poster. This year at IV’25 all papers, including oral presentations, will have a poster for more personal interactions. In addition, each poster session will begin with a short Poster Spotlight presentation. Each author will have 1 minute to highlight their poster (using a single slide submitted according to the instructions: to be updated).

Oral presentation

Each presentation time slot is 15 minutes including lecture and discussion (questions and answers). Each presentation has its own time slot which cannot be changed or shifted. Please plan your presentation by allowing 4 minutes from the time allocated to your presentation for introduction by the session chair and questions from the audience. 

Oral presentations at IV’25 are made in plenum, ie, some six hundred people. Thus, most of the conference delegates will be there and listen to you. Since only a subset of them can be expected to be experts in your particular research topic, it makes sense to plan your presentation for a broader audience where you explain somewhat more what the research question is, and why it is important, and less of deep details. For the experts in your particular research topic, you have a separate poster session where you present your poster, take questions and discuss more in detail. Having a poster also makes it easier for us to keep the time schedule of the conference, since questions can be taken there if we are short of time. The poster you prepare according to the instructions below. The only difference is that for the posters from the oral speakers we don’t have any slides at the introduction. Since you already had a 15-minute talk, the introduction will just be that each presenter introduces themselves.

The presentation room is equipped with a computer, a data projector, and a microphone. You can also use your own computer if necessary. Remember to embed all your fonts into your PDF presentation.

PRIOR TO YOUR PRESENTATION: Come to the session 15 minutes before the session starts. Introduce yourself to the session chair and upload your presentation to the session computer or if you are using your own computer make sure it works with the available interfaces.

Poster presentation

The interactive poster session will start with a short 1-minute oral introduction by each presenter in turn. There you have one minute to introduce yourself and the topic of your poster while you show one slide. Don’t try to give a complete overview in this short time, but highlight the main parts to stimulate interest of the audience to come and discuss with you. You need to prepare one slide in PDF-format. Name the file with the slide after the code for your paper in the program, which is a concatenation of the session code and the number of your contribution in the session. For example, MoAOR3.pdf would be the slide for paper 3 in session MoAOR.

Afterwards, presenters are expected to stay in front of their posters to present their work to interested attendees with more in-depth technical discussions. You can have your lap-top to show, for example, animations and other illustrations complementing the information on the poster.

Posters will be attached on the walls, adhesive tape for that will be available. A0 size posters in portrait orientation are mandatory! Larger than that might be problematic. Please print your poster ahead of time and bring it with you to the conference on the day of your session. Don’t include too much detailed text but include figures so that you can take help from them when you present your results. Main messages and results are typically good to write out. On the internet you can easily find good examples of how to design your poster. Include the IEEE ITSS logo in a corner of the poster.

The presenters have time to mount their poster during the transition prior to each session. They must check-in with the Session Chairs prior to the session start and remain with their posters throughout the session. Failing to do this may lead to marking no-show or absence of the author. Please remove your poster at the end of your allocated session. Posters left mounted to the boards after the end of the session will be removed and disposed of.