Call for Workshop Papers
June 22-25, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
The papers submitted for workshops that will undergo the same rigorous review process as the main conference papers, once accepted and presented in person at the event, will also be published in the conference proceedings.
If you are interested in contributing, please take the following steps:
1. Select a Workshop: Refer to the list below to choose one of the workshop proposals that the authors submit a paper to.
2. Review Submission Guidelines: Each workshop has its own specific topic detailed in the “Call for Workshop Papers.” provided below. Please make sure that the topic of the paper matches with the scope of the workshop.
3. Submit Using the Workshop Code: Authors should use the unique code assigned to the chosen workshop when submitting your paper via PaperCept. These codes are provided below.
The remainder of the submission process will be identical to that of regular conference submissions.
Workshop Proposals Submission: November 15, 2024
Workshop Proposals Notification of Acceptance: November 22, 2024
Workshop Websites Live and Papers Submission Open: December 3, 2024
Workshop Papers Submission Deadline: February 1, 2025
Workshops Date: June 22, 2025
By clicking the workshop title, you can find the detailed information including the workshop information and submission code.
14th Workshop and Industry Panel on Cooperative Automated Driving and Future Mobility Systems
Code: IndustryCooperativeAD
Workshop official website:
14th Workshop on Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles & Supporting Vehicle-Pedestrian Interactions
Code: HumanFactors_VehiclePedestrian
Workshop official websites:
- Part1:
- Part2:
1st Workshop on Safe and Trustworthy Autonomous Driving (TRUST-AD)
Advancing Automated Driving in Highly Interactive Scenarios through Behavior Prediction, Trustworthy AI, and Remote Operations
Code: BehPred_TrustAI_RemOp
Workshop page: Behavior Prediction, Trustworthy AI, Remote Operations
Workshop official website:
*8th Workshop on Ensuring and Validating Safety for Automated Vehicles (EVSAV) *Joint Workshop on Safety Metrics and Benchmarks for Autonomous Driving
Code: EVSAV_MetricsAD
Workshop page(s): EVSAV and SMB4AD
Workshop official website(s):
Navigating Uncertainty: High-Integrity Localization, Mapping, and Perception for Autonomous Driving
SPADE - Secure, Privacy-Aware Naturalistic Driving Data for Future Mobility: Insights from Structured and Unstructured Environments
Data-Driven Learning for Intelligent Vehicle Applications: Foundation Models, Multimodal Fusion and Cooperative Systems
Code: DataDrivenLearningIV
Workshop page: Data-Driven Learning for IV Applications
Workshop official website: