Call for Tutorials Proposals



June 22-25, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium 2025 (IV2025), we call for proposals for full and half-day tutorials to be held on Sunday, 22 June 2025. This day of tutorials precedes the main conference, which will take place from Monday, June 23 until Wednesday, June 25.

Tutorials should target established fields of research, in order to provide descriptions on its state of the art, by individuals who are recognized researchers in the field of Intelligent Vehicles. We encourage state of the art programs with high level of interest, impact, creativity, and innovation that will attract a broad audience. The primary criteria for selection are anticipated level of interest, impact, novelty or creativity, and technical background of presenters.

Tutorials are meant as training sessions, bringing in preeminently practical topics, aiming especially young practitioners in the use of top-notch tools in the field.


Proposals Submission Deadline: December 3, 2024

Notification of Selection: December 17, 2024

Website link or PDF of tutorial: January 20, 2025

Tutorial Day: June 22, 2025


Please submit the proposal for a tutorial including the following information:

  • Title of tutorial;
  • Aim and Scope (up to 300 words), describing goals and outcomes of the tutorial
  • Rationale (max 1 page)
    • Why is the topic current and important?
    • Why will the tutorial attract a large number of attendees, in addition to the speakers?
    • How does the tutorial differ from other related activities of similar topic?
  • Outline of topics and respective expected duration (in minutes)
  • Intended length (half- or full-day)
  • Intended audience and assumed background knowledge
  • If any, personal computer and software requirements for attendees
  • Contact details (institutional address, phone, e-mail) and a short bio of organizers
  • If the tutorial has been given previously, provide a short description of past versions of the tutorial, number of attendees, etc. If a similar tutorial has been organized at recent IEEE IV, please indicate where and how it will be modified to meet topics of interest to IV 2025.

Upon acceptance of your tutorial proposal, you will be requested to prepare a PDF file or a web page containing the information regarding your tutorial. The file and link will be posted at the official IV 2025 webpage.


Proposal submissions should be submitted using the provided web form below.

Proposals that address exciting topics in creative formats that generate lively interactions among participants are highly encouraged. Examples include facilitating multi-disciplinary discussions across academicians, practitioners, and policymakers leading to high impact and transformative research.

For any inquiries concerning IV 2025 Tutorials, please contact the Chairs:


1. An Introduction to Autoware and Its Application Platforms