Call for Tutorials Proposals 36th IEEE INTELLIGENT VEHICLES SYMPOSIUM (IV 2025) June 22-25, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Title *Please enter here the tutorial titleTutorial Format *Half dayFull dayOrganizers infoFirst Name *Last Name *Email Address *Organization *Short bio *0 / 50Aim and Scope *Up to 300 words, describing goals and outcomes of the tutorial0 / 300RationaleWhy is the topic current and important? *0 / 300Why will the tutorial attract a large number of attendees, in addition to the speakers? *0 / 300How does the tutorial differ from other related activities of similar topic? *0 / 300Intended audience *Assumed background knowledge *Requirements for attendeesPersonal computer? Software? Other?List of topicsTopic *Specify topic and their durationPast versions of the tutorialIf tutorial was given before, provide info about previous offerings and ndicate where and how it will be modified to meet topics of interest to IV 2025Submit tutorial proposal